LGBT+ Alliance at EuroPride 2024

The annual event EuroPride edition 2024 took place in Thessaloniki, Greece last week and
came to a conclusion with the big parade on Saturday, June 29 th . The European Centre-Right
LGBT+ Alliance took part of the celebrations during EuroPride both at the Human Rights
conference and through an event co-organised with the other political families in Europe

An important part of EuroPride is the Human Rights conference were current topics related to
the LGBT+ community is discussed with activists, experts and politicians. One topic that was
highlighted was that Greece earlier this year legislated on same-sex marriage and other family
rights for LGBT+ persons. This is part of a comprehensive LGBT agenda that was formulated by
the government after the last election were EPP member party Nea Demokratia again secured
a majority. Greek minister for social cohesion and the family Sofia Zacharaki spoke on the
transformation and the progress and was met with great approval.

European policies were also on the agenda in the aftermath of the European election. Both EU
commissioner for equality Helena Dalli and EU commission vice president for promoting our
European way of life Margaritas Schinas (of Nea Demokratia, Greece) spoke underlining the
need to keep working with equality and the LGBT+ issues the coming years.

The European Centre-Right LGBT+ Alliance organised an event at EuroPride in co-operation
with the Rainbow Platform (an initiative of ALDE, the liberal parties) and Rainbow Rose the
LGBTIQ network of the social democrats. The event took place Friday, June 28 th and brought
together some 60 participants for presentations, a movie screening of the documentary “The
visible man” about the situation in Georgia, and some catered food.

Speakers from the liberals were Ana Donath from Rainbow Platform and outgoing MEP from
Hungary and Ana Vasconcelos a newly elected MEP from Portugal and from the social
democrats Dajana Bakic, president of Rainbow Rose and Marc Angel, MEP from Luxemburg
and co-president of the LGBT inter group in the European Parliament. Also, co-president of
the LGBT inter group in the European Parliament Kim von Sparrentak from the Greens spoke.
The Alliance and the EPP were represented by Secretary General of the Alliance Fredrik
Saweståhl and Greek MP and member of the Political Assembly of the Council of Europe
Georgios Stamatis from Nea Demokratia. Fredrik Saweståhl spoke about the prioritise of the
Alliance, the outcome of the European election where the broad centre held with a good
result for the EPP and the LGBT+ friendly issues from the EPP manifesto that will be on the
agenda the coming years. Georgios Stamatis spoke on the development in Greece, his
engagement for Pride and the importance of the Council of Europe as guardians of human